In The Office

Each session of engaging muscles in the office includes two hours of hands-on deep tissue massage.

Every session is designed to address pain and improve how you’re moving.

As we go through the process of increasing stability (muscles), mobility (joints), and flexibility (muscles), we are preventing injuries.

<img src="" alt="Deborah's testimonial about life-changing service provided in the office of Engaging Muscles Massage" width="1200px" length="450px"/>

You don’t know what you don’t know.

For example, when you’re paying for a deep tissue massage, you want your massage therapist to have the skill set to differentiate tight muscles from muscles that are underperforming.

Most licensed massage therapists assume muscles are tight. For the first seven years of my twenty-nine years as a licensed massage therapist, I couldn’t confirm whether a muscle was tight or underperforming.

Licensed massage therapists aren’t the only practitioners who don’t have the skill set to confirm whether a muscle is tight or underperforming.
Unfortunately, the vast majority of physical therapists, athletic trainers, podiatrists, and chiropractors also assume muscles are tight. So, of course, they default to addressing muscle tightness with stretches that may feel good but fail to address the root cause.

Meanwhile, the underperforming muscles aren’t capable of pulling their weight.

That’s why you feel that your muscles are constantly tight.

Case in point, when piriformis syndrome is the diagnosis, the piriformis often feels tight. Yet, more often than not, the piriformis and the obturator internus are underperforming. (See videos below)

For someone diagnosed with plantar fasciitis, it’s not uncommon to have calf muscles that are tight.
Yet, in most cases, the majority of the calf muscles are underperforming.

Filling In The Gaps  
• You can’t have a tight muscle without an underperforming muscle

• Until your brain recognizes certain muscles are capable of functioning to the
best of their ability, your muscles will tighten to protect you from injury.
Rinse, repeat.

Why The Feel-Good Feelings of Deep Tissue Massage Are Short-Lived 

When you walked away from the massage table, muscles weren’t performing their role to the best of their ability. So, of course, your muscles tightened all over again.

If you decide to work with me, you’ll see how emphasizing one muscle over all the surrounding muscles gets to the root cause of pain and muscle tightness.

<img data-src="" alt="Rick Merriam addresses the trapezius muscle in the office of Engaging Muscles Massage." width="1200px" length="800px"/>

Rick Merriam addresses an underperforming trapezius muscle with a deep-tissue massage technique that improves the communication between the brain and muscle.

When your brain recognizes that your muscles can provide stability and control motion, the tight muscles will relax.

If you’re tired of addressing symptoms and want to get to the root cause, schedule an appointment today!



* Two hours of hands-on muscle therapy ~ 295

** Package of 2 sessions (four hours) ~ 560

*** Package of 3 sessions (six hours) ~ 712 (best seller)

Package pricing ranges from 560 (2) to 2710 (12)

In The Office

In The Office

Pay now


Your first session in the office focuses on addressing the most prominent players.

The most prominent players are muscles that play a significant role in providing stability and controlling motion.

You can use your HSA or FSA card. All major credit/debit cards are also accepted.
Every session of hands-on muscle therapy will require two hours of your time, guaranteed.
Because you will be fully clothed throughout every session, please plan to wear the athletic clothing you use for exercise.

Gift Cards Available


I Stopped Releasing The Piriformis with Deep Massage (This Is What I Do Now!)

12700 Hillcrest Rd, Ste 125 #143 Dallas, TX 75230

Can’t fly to Dallas to experience what it feels like to have muscles engaging to the best of their ability?

Work with me online.

If your movement strategy, mechanics, or pain require more than one session, your best bet is to purchase a package.

Texas Massage Therapy License: MT110566
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